Monday, 20 January 2025
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles / RMC / Statements
Anger, pain and condemnation
14 Nov 2015
Spiritual leader of Russia's Muslims mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin expressed his condolences in relation to the terrorist attacks that took place in Beirut and Paris on November 12 and 13
Statement of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Moscow regarding the commentary of the head of state security of Tajikistan
27 Nov 2014
The Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Moscow City made an official statement in regards to the commentary of a high-ranked Tajikistani official. The text of the statement follows
RMC statement
29 Sen 2014
In regards to the incident in Moscow on Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street
Russia's Muslims grieve with the victims of plane crash
11 Aug 2014
Mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin offered his condolences to the ambassador of Iran in Moscow
25 Jul 2014
On the last Friday of Ramadan, Muslims of the whole world express their solidarity with the long-suffering people of Palestine
Announcement of Russia Muftis Council
9 Jan 2014
Stirring of national and religious hatred by aggressive groups of people who want to break centuries-old ties of friendship between the peoples of Russia has been on the rise lately
Muslims categorically denounce the terrorist act
29 Dec 2013
Grave news came from Volgograd. A terrible terrorist act happened in this hero city. It took the lives of at least 13 people, while more than 50 were injured
Russia Muftis Council strongly condemns the actions of terrorists!
21 Oct 2013
Grave news came from the city of Volgograd today. As a result of a terrorist attack in one of Volgograd's districts, six people died and more than twenty were injured. Russia Muftis Council and Muslims of Russia categorically denounce the actions of terrorists who commit greatest of sins: the murder of innocents
Official Statement of Russia Muftis Council on the Defacement of Muslim.Ru
15 Oct 2013
Press service of Russia Muftis Council informs that the source of dishonourable and cowardly attack on the official site of Russia Muftis Council has been determined, and the corresponding law enforcement authorities have been informed of it
Muslims Against Terrorism!
30 Sen 2013
Armed Nigerian militants attacked college students. 50 people died as a result of this dreadful attack.

Russia Muftis Council, Muslims of our country strongly denounce the actions of criminals who commit greatest sin of killing innocents using Islam as a cover for their actions. Islam curses murderers of innocents, for the Holy Qur’an says that even one murder equals the murder of all humankind
Russia Muftis Council Categorically Denounces the Actions of Terrorists in Kenya!
23 Sen 2013
Bitter news came from Kenya. As a result of hostage taking in a shopping center, more than 60 people were killed and hundreds were injured. Russia Muftis Council learned of this terrorist act with great pain and grievance
Statement of Russia Muftis Council of September 20, 2013
20 Sen 2013
On 17th of September, 2013, court of Oktyabrsky district of Novorossiysk ruled that the Russian translation of meanings of the Holy Qur'an by Elmir Kuliev of 2002 be deemed “extremist”. This unreasonable judgment of a district court is even more blasphemous than the last year's ruling of Leninsky district court of Orenburg
Persever in patience and constancy
20 Jan 2025

The production of the film that hurt religious feelings, deserve condemnation and punishment by the authorities and all concerned - ranging from actors and finishing promotion channels

Prayers for the victims
20 Jan 2025

The Chairman of the Russian Muftis Council Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin expressed his sincere condolences to the Pakistani people for the tragedy: the fires that occurred in the Pakistani cities of Karachi and Lahore took away hundreds of lives

The Majlis of the Russian Muftis Council adopted a statement on the situation in Russia and abroad
20 Jan 2025

We, the members of the Russian Muftis Council, worried about the situation prevailing in our country, as well as in the Islamic world, it is our duty to declare, in particular, on the following

"And let the his good deeds sacle pan will be heavy and beneficial for him..."
20 Jan 2025

The Chairman of the Russian Muftis Council, the Religious Board of Muslims of European part of Russia, Mufti Ravil Gaynutdin expressed his condolences over the departure to another world the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud

Prayers for the victims of the tragedy
20 Jan 2025

On behalf of the Russian Muftis Council and the Religious Board of Muslims of European part of Russia I express our sincere condolences to the families of those killed in a fire in the capital of Qatar - Doha

20 Jan 2025

April 26, 2012 in Moscow (hall "Saturn" of "Space" Hotel, metro Exhibition Center (VDNH), Prospect Mira, 150) a historic event will take place: the All-Russia Congress of Muslim women "Muslim women in the XXI century, its role in society"

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