Saturday, 27 July 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Rus En Ar
Articles / Islam and Muslims
Mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin took part in İzge Bolgar Cıyenı
15 Jun 2014
A delegation of Russia Muftis Council headed by mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin took part in celebrations devoted to the Day of Official Conversion of Volga Bulgaria to Islam 1125 years ago
Meeting with American Delegation
1 Oct 2013
Deputy Chairman of Russia Muftis Council Rushan hazrat Abbyasov met with the members of the U. S. Commission for International Religious Freedom
Ministry of Justice Plans to Change Registration Scheme of Religious Organizations
12 Aug 2013
Ministry of Justice is preparing a legislative proposal to abolish compulsory 15-year requirement of existence for a religious group of citizens to be officially registered as religious organization by the state
Huffaz from Turkey and Egypt Visit Russian Muslims
11 Jul 2013
At the initiative of Russia Muftis Council and in accordance with signed partnership accords, several imam-huffaz from Turkey and Egypt came to a number of regions of Russia
Month of Ramadan
9 Jul 2013
Address of the Chairman of Russia Muftis Council mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin to the Muslims of Russia on the occasion of beginning of Ramadan
27 Jul 2024

January 27, 2013 at 17:00 in the concert hall "Crocus City Hall" in Moscow a festive event will take place dedicated to the great event for the whole Muslim world - Mawlid an-Nabi - the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad

Invitation to Maulid An-Nabi celebration
27 Jul 2024

In Moscow, in the concert hall Crocus City Hall January 27, 2013 a festive event on a great event for the whole Muslim world - Mawlid an-Nabi - the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad will take place

Thanks for the support
27 Jul 2024

Allow me to thank you all and express my profound gratitude and sincere appreciation for the support of our family during the most difficult moments of bitter loss of our daughter Alsou

VIII Kazan International Muslim Film Festival
27 Jul 2024

Greetings to the festival of Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin, the Chairman of the Russian Muftis Council, the President of the Kazan International Muslim Film Festival

Moscow expects the best reciters of the Holy Quran
27 Jul 2024
On 14 October 2012 Moscow concert hall "Kosmos" will host XIII Moscow International Quran recitation competition under the patronage of the Chairman of the Russian Muftis Council Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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