Wednesday, 18 September 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > RMC > RMC news > Chairman of Russia Muftis Council met with extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of France

Chairman of Russia Muftis Council met with extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of France A meeting between Chairman of Russia Muftis Council mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin and extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of France in Russia Jean-Maurice Ripert took place in RMC residency.

The meeting was also attended by the first secretary of French embassy Nicolas de Lacoste, attachй of the embassy Michelle Nersenian, RMC deputy chairman Rushan Abbyasov and director of International department Ildar Galeev.

Head of Russia Muftis Council greeted Mr Ripert and told him of the history and current status of Muslims in Russia, also saying that this meeting gives a new impetus to the strengthening and development of cultural and religious cooperation between the two countries.

"Russia is a multinational and multireligious country, and Muslims are native citizens of Russian Federation. Islam is a traditional religion of our country. More than 20 million Muslims live in Russia today, and Islamic communities are actively developing. Muslim Ummah in Russia is represented by more than 50 autochtonous peoples that are integrated into diverse Russian society. We also help new immigrants integrate into Russian society, and provide them with legal help and advice. We are glad to see that Russian government is interested in socialization of the Muslim Ummah—as our president put it during our meeting in Ufa," said mufti.

"Russia Muftis Council is involved in social and charitable activities as well as such international projects as Moscow Halal Expo, Moscow International Qur'an Reciting Competition and Mawlid an-Nabi, which attracts lively interest fr om the Muslim community of France," said mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin.

Spiritual leader of Russian Muslims also reminded that Russia Muftis Council actively participates in all kinds of international events; for example, RMC's International Centre of Standardization and certification "Halal" has taken part in the exhibition and conference for the development of halal industry in Paris last year.

In his turn, Mr Ripert thanked Ravil Gaynutdin for the reception and told of the status of Muslims in France, stating that Islam is the second largest religion in the country.

"Secular lifestyle does not affect religious practice in our country, particularly among Muslims. Unfortunately, we are now witnessing radicalization of youth, for the younger generation is an easy prey for extremists and destructive forces—and that is wh ere Islamic preachers come to the fore to confront this phenomenon and to teach them the true values of Islam," said the ambassador.

Head of French diplomatic mission showed active interest in the international projects of Russia Muftis Council and signified that the embassy of France in Moscow will welcome and support French participation in these events.

In the end of the meeting, parties agreed to continue their active cooperation.

RMC press service

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