Tuesday, 07 May 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > Conferences > Speeches and Reports > M.Zhumanov. We should direct all our potential to creative processes

Muratali Zhumanov,

Mufti of Kyrgyzstan

Dear participants of the International conference!

Let me in the name of Muslims of Kyrgyzstan, religious board of Muslims and from me personally greet you and wish you all the blessings of Allah, fruitful work, mutual understanding and consent in discussion of the problem, successful search of unifying and acceptable means of cooperation in all spheres. I would also like to thank the organizers of the present event. The present forum is an overdue necessity. The time has come to gather the stone as out Creator calls for.

“Let there be a community of you who invite to what is good, advocate righteousness, and forbid evil. These are the winners.” (Quran, 3:104)

The most great and wise invokes of Islam revealed by Allah being the values of all the humankind are unfortunately being forgotten.

We should direct all our potential to creative processes, creation of balance which are so needed at present time, and not to waste it for destruction. We need constructive dialogues, talks and mutual understanding in order to evaluate peace and consent and to realize how fragile they are and need to be defended. As Allah the almighty commands us:

“You shall cooperate in matters of righteousness and piety; do not cooperate in matters that are sinful and evil”.  (Quran, 5:2)

The main idea of Islam is unity and consolidation of the Umma in which all the members are brothers and sisters. It is a big sin to infringe it.

Fate of all nations regardless of historical collisions had common tendencies for survival and formation. The search for common spiritual and moral values, formation of new tolerant life security consciousness and attitude towards the representatives of other cultures, religions and ideologies, gives the sense of life. The dialogue is very important not only for observing life but also for mutual enrichment, tolerant and respectful attitude towards each other.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and continuing process of states formation the worst thing is law morale. This infringes many kind deeds. Today the situation is different. We learn to build dialogues on a higher level.

“Ask the followers of the Reminder if ye know not” (Quran, 7:21)

The contribution of Islam to the development of this process is tremendous.

Today there is the necessity to create internationall centre or forum that would contribute to consolidation of Muslims and work out common standards in education on the basis of known Islamic methods, without touching the sundamental bases, recommendations on arguable problems of the believers in the modern developing society. New norms and principles of cooperation between Muslims and Religious boards of Muslims as well as with the state demand new approaches.

The coming generations are expecting from us to take all possible measures to prevent any interethnic, interfaith and international conflicts in future. We can and we must create the basis for preserving peace, democracy, constructive dialogue and interaction of those ethnic and religious groups under the moto “We are different, but we are equal!”

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