Tuesday, 07 May 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > Conferences > Speeches and Reports > Hajj Malik Ruiz. Russia and Islam, a necessary alliance for the future of justice, stability and development

Russia and Islam,

a necessary alliance for the future of justice, stability and development in the world.

Malik Abdur Rahman Ruiz CallejasPresident of Islamic Community in Spain


“Say: The evil and the good are not alike even though the plenty of the evil attract thee.

So be mindful of your duty to Allah, O men of understanding, that ye may succeed.”

Surat Al Maida, 5, (100)

These words of the Qur?an are an invitation to people of all time to the common success of the human family, on the basis of being mindful of Allah. The key factor for success, in the view of the Muslims is awareness of God’s greatness and of our duties to Him. This provides men with clear discrimination, incorruptible and nonnegotiable moral principles, and a solid guidance of God’s laws.

The criteria of success shared by the great Russian nation and the Muslims through the centuries are focused, in this difficult times, towards three specific areas:

The economic arena, the system of law and international relations.

Islam in Russia, a long history of mutual cooperation, strength and fecundation. Islam is the second religion of the Russian Federation. Islam has been predominant since ancient times in some of its territories: Dagestan, Ingushetia. Chechnya, Kabardia-Balkaria and Karachaevo-Cherquesia. In some republics such as Tartaristan and Bashkiria Islam is the belief and practice of the people and is still majority religion. This strong root of Islam in Russian encompasses several ethnic groups and language families: najskas, abjasio-adigu?, tartars (except crischens and nagaybaks), bashkiris, kumyks and nogays.

In these Russian regions, the traditional sunni Hanafi and shafi schools, as well as the Qadiriyah, Nakshabandiyah and Shaddiliyah brotherhoods of Sufism  have consolidated a body of traditional knowledge, teaching and guidance that have always made the muslim communities a positive factor in Russian society.

The disgraceful apparition of extremist deviant salafi sects in Russian soil during the mid 90?s have created an unprecedented alarm among the non-muslims, have deteriorated the relations between the Muslim community and the State and have distorted the general perception of Islam in Russia. 

International political landscape:

The two dominant civic factors of Islam are

1)  Worship of the Divine Creator and

2) Trading transactions and governance are personal and individual persons are accountable. The two are inseparable.

After-soviet Russia has a new perception of the mode of governance, free from the political corruption of the party system in the democratic game of money and manipulation.  Russia, as strong middle nation with old Islamic European tradition in its lands, has decoded the lies and deception of the current so called democratic system where power in embedded in the financial usurious institutions.

The traditional mediation role of Russia between the Muslim world and the western world is becoming more and more necessary in the present world situation, as the USA has established itself on an Imperial agenda of military occupation and domination of Muslim lands and China emerges as a threat to the freedom of believe and to the concord of nations, both economically and military.

International law order: The prevailing international order, after World War Two, is manifesting an alarming level of hypocrisy and continuous exceptions to the norms by some States, that are making the world a dangerous place. States that do not comply by the UNO resolutions, powers that invade countries without a justification (Iraq and Afghanistan) other than sheer geopolitical ambitions and usurpation of natural resources.  The case of Israel is ‘above’ the law in ignoring the statute ordering a return to its 1947 borders, or in arrogantly refusing to submit to the International Atomic Agency which it accuses Iran of disobeying.

But, even more dangerous than individual countries, the activities of supranational bodies and entities are never subject to the law Courts. Here, there is no law. There is no Court of Appeal. No Court of Justice. No trial. No punishment. There is unhidden but never practised clause in the NATO Constitution – that no member of NATO personnel could be arraigned before any national court.It is the world of non-national, because supra-national, institutions and procedures which, while adhering to, or behind, known structures, submit to no legality, national or international. They are, not in essence but in practice, above the law.

These entities are: the United Nations Organisation and its subsidiaries. The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, and a number of Super-Banks that operate outside the strict and traditional form of banks. The second statesman, after General Charles de Gaulle, to understand the true reality of NATO was President Putin right at the beginning of his mandate when he faced the robber oligarchs who had simply seized Russia’s commodity wealth. These robbers are still presented in the US and Europe as victims and martyrs!

Terrorism: Islam will be looked upon by many as a source of inspiration and guidance in a confusing world. What must become clear to the world is that that configuration of Islam as terrorism and oppression of women, is utterly false.

Danielle Ganser, a Senior Researcher at the Centre for Security Studies at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland has just issued a devastating report, ‘NATO’s Secret Armies’ which charts its clandestine activities from 1947 up to the present. What his research reveals is that there has been a policy and practice of counter-terrorism, setting up, through Agents Provocateurs, terrorist events by recruited terrorists, but under NATO guidance, that have involved the bombing and killing of innocents IN ORDER to blame and anathematise communist cells and programmes – a successful programme aimed at eliminating the current enemy of the capitalist system. It inescapably points to the strongest possibility that this has continued to be their policy with the new ‘enemy’ – the world’s Muslims.

Today NATO personnel have been systematically moving to the edges of the RussianCommonwealth in the Baltic States, Ukraine and Georgia.

Russia and the Muslim world: In the light of this the Russian leadership should look to a fresh concordance with Islam and the Muslims, and an alliance with Afghanistan and Pakistan, which should be seen as an equivalent to the successful post-war alliance of France and Germany. Similarly, Russia should look to replacing the left-over Soviet puppets in the other Central Asian predominantly Muslim nations, with a friendly Muslim leadership.

The economic arena: The natural parameters of Islam in regards to economic and transactions are becoming an increasing source of inspiration in the troubled world of usury capitalism. What needs to be discovered and widely published, is that Islam holds the key to liberate mankind from the present global prison of numbers currency and inflationary doom.

To conclude, Muslims in Europe and Muslim communities and organisations have an opportunity of working together with the Russian authorities and civic bodies in order to provide new solid foundations to a necessary post-capitalism economic order, to a new set of rules and values in the international relations, particularly between muslim countries and Western powers and to create a new reality of cooperation. This has been formulated by the present Spanish and Turkish Premiers (Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and Recep Tayib Erdogan) as a proposed Alliance of civilizations. We believe in a alliance and a commitment of mutual help between the large Muslim World community and the European nations among which Russia has a salient and most important position, focused towards education, development of living conditions and a protection of the diversity and wealth of the human nations and their culture, their believes and their material well-being.

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