Saturday, 27 July 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Rus En Ar
Articles > Conferences > FOR MEDIA ATTENTION!

FOR MEDIA ATTENTION! The organizing committee of the 10th International Muslim Forum that will take place between December 10 and 12 in Ritz-Carlton Hotel Moscow, announces the start of the journalist accreditation for the event.

The forum's topic is "Mission of religion and the responsibility of its followers before the challenge of modernity". It will be attended by delegates from twenty countries, including chief muftis of ten European and Asian countries. The forum is co-organised by a number of reputable religious, civic and academic institutions and organisations. The event is supported by the administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

The plenary part of the forum consists of three sessions: "Moral and spiritual values of Abrahamic faiths as a guarantee of the preservation of peace", "Eurasian integration and the Islamic world. Responsibility and the potential of Muslims", "Religion-state relations in the name of the steady development of the society". The list of speakers will include Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russian Federation and Russia Muftis Council mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin, head of Synodal department for Church-society relations of the Russian Orthodox Church archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, head of the Rabbinic Council of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar, leader and acting bishop of the Russian Pentecostal Christians Sergei Ryakhovskii and others.

The list of high-ranking guests of the forum from Muslim countries includes minister of religious affairs of Turkey Dr Mehmet Görmez, Ayatollah, member of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ali-Reza Arafi, general secretary of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) sheikh Ali Muheddin Karadagi. The academic science will be represented by the director of the Hermitage Museum, dean of the Oriental faculty of Saint Petersburg State University Mikhail Piotrovsky, director of the Oriental Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vitaly Naumkin, president of the MSU Institute of Asian and African Studies Mikhail Meyer and its director Igor Abylgaziev and others.

On December 11, the forum will host 7th International Scientific and Theological Conference "The role and meaning of the Islamic theological legacy in the strengthening of the spiritual domain of Eurasia", and on December 12 it will host two other all-Russia conferences.

The forum will open on December 10 at 10 AM. The address is: Moscow, Tverskaya St., The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Moscow ("Ball room 1" hall). The briefing of the key speakers of the forum before the press will start at 9 AM.

The accreditation finishes on December 8 at 6 PM. For receiving accreditation you need to e-mail to, stating the name(s) of the journalist/filming crew and their passport details, list of filming equipment, contacts of the journalist and producer/editor.

Contact phone: +7 499 763 12 88, +7 926 914 75 10.

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