Saturday, 27 July 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Rus En Ar
Articles > Islam and Muslims > The Ummah of the capital and its suburbs held Eid ul Fitr in prayers and festivities

The Eid ul Fitr celebration continues in the capital. The festive prayer in the work day of August 30 gathered according to updated official figures of about 130 thousands of Muslims - those who managed to take day off from their work.

According to the summaries more than 75 thousand people listened to the sermon and prayed on the streets adjacent to the Moscow Cathedral Mosque.

About 30 thousand Muslims were praying in the mosque at the Memorial Poklonnaya Hill, at the Historic mosque according to the official estimates more than 15 thousand parishioners prayed and 7,5 thousand people prayed at the mosque in Otradnoe.

360 people came to the rented by the mufti of Chuvashia Albir Krganovym Pavilion № 2 in Sokolniki Park. The Holiday prayer was made also in the Moscow Islamic University, its yard is hardly contained all those who came and in the South Butovo, where there is an active community, the part of the DUMER.

According to the information that we got from the imam- muhtasib of the Moscow region Rushan hazrat Abbyasov, the thirty-registered communities on the day of Eid Al Fitr hosted the holiday prayers at mosques and prayer houses and the festivities in which about 60 thousand people took part. In some mosques, the prayer had to be carried out in several stages.

Thus, in Podolsk, where there is no way to allocate even a small area near the mosque, the Imam of the mosque gave a festive khutbah and prayer nine times!

The second and third day of the month of Shawwal - Eid ul Fitr continued.

This is the time of the Majlis - holiday feasts with reading the Holy Koran in private homes, in cafes and restaurants serving halal standard.

These are the days in which people visit the graves of their ancestors and give generous alms - Sadaqah.

Tomorrow, during the Juma in the mosques the prayers will be prayed. The sermons will include words of memory for the victims of terror - these days, we remember the victims of Beslan, we pray for the innocent victims of violence in all years, we pray Almighty God to take the souls who died during the events of recent months and recent days: the news of the explosions and deaths during the Celebrations in Grozny again marred the holidays bright.

Muslims are praying for peace and tranquility in our homeland, peace and stability in all countries and all peoples.

September 2. 2011

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