Friday, 07 February 2025
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > News > The importance of religious values in the space of Greater Eurasia was discussed by participants of the V International Scientific Theological Conference "Spiritual Silk Road".

The importance of religious values in the space of Greater Eurasia was discussed by participants of the V International Scientific Theological Conference "Spiritual Silk Road". The International Scientific and Theological Conference "Spiritual Silk Road", organized by the RBM of the Russian Federation and the RMC over the years has become an authoritative dialog platform for religious, political and public leaders, representatives of scientific and expert circles. Based on the results of the cycles of this international project held in Russia (2017), China (2016), Kyrgyzstan (2018), Kazakhstan (2019), the successful implementation of the decisions made, contributing to the coordination of efforts to strengthen integration, dialog and cooperation based on the humanistic values of religions traditional for this region, is noted.

The next step in the implementation of the project was the V International Scientific and Theological Conference "Spiritual Silk Road: the importance of religious values in the space of Greater Eurasia", held on July 25, 2024 in Kazan, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. The event was organized by the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation, the Council of Muftis of Russia and Mohammed bin Zayed University of Humanities (UAE) with the support of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The conference was attended by the Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation and the Council of Muftis of Russia Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, representatives of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, ministers, muftis, prominent scientists from Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Brazil, Bahrain, China, India, Egypt, Ethiopia, CIS countries and other states, as well as heads of international Muslim organizations. The Plenary Session was moderated by the First Deputy Chairman of the RMC, Deputy Chairman of the RBM of the Russian Federation, Ph.D. Mufti Rushan Abbyasov.

The event was opened by Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, the spiritual leader of the Muslims of Russia. In his address to the participants, he emphasized that the International Scientific and Theological Conference "Spiritual Silk Road" provides an opportunity to synchronize watches on the current agenda of religious life in Greater Eurasia, which was and remains permeated by the common heritage of the Great Silk Road. The Mufti noted that the model of communication created jointly with partners, having shown its effectiveness and the topics raised their relevance, also attracted the attention of representatives of the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt, Brazil, Ethiopia, South Africa, Qatar, the Kingdom of Bahrain and all other participants who joined this forum for the first time this year, adding that the "Spiritual Silk Road" promotes cultural integration and spiritual interaction between friendly countries.

The head of the RBM of the FR and the RMC emphasized that the protection of traditional spiritual and moral values, rights and freedoms of believing people is the most important direction and foreign policy of the Russian Federation, which is perceived by partners in the Arab and Muslim world as a state that consistently rejects double standards, hypocrisy, dictate, neo-colonialism.

"The Eurasian space, which is united for us, having a rich historical potential, is becoming a territory of integration, mutually beneficial solutions, large infrastructure projects that unite peoples and countries, attracting new partners from other regions of the world in the name of creation and prosperity" - said Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin.

The next speaker was Evgeny Eremin, Head of the Department for Cooperation with Religious Organizations of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for Domestic Policy. He noted that the conference has become a very interesting and permanent tradition and that the knowledge of different peoples of each other is the foundation of mutual respect and the formation of common, common spiritual and moral values, recalling that the President of the Russian Federation by his decree 2 years ago approved the basis of state policy for the protection and strengthening of traditional spiritual and moral values.

Evgeny Vladimirovich said that the state recognizes the religious origins of many of our spiritual and moral values, which is why there is such a phrase in the Constitution of Russia: "We preserve the memory of our ancestors who passed on to us the ideals and faith in God", stressing that the role of Islamic organizations of Russia is great in this work, and Islam is an integral and beautiful part of the Russian cultural code.

He also highlighted the importance of the role played by several centralized organizations represented in the Presidential Council on Cooperation with Religious Organizations and noted that Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin is always actively involved in this work and his weighty word to promote spiritual and moral values traditional to Islam and common to all peoples of Russia is always favorably received by the President of the Russian Federation.

In turn, Rector of the Muhammad bin Zayed Humanitarian University (UAE) Dr. Khalifa Mubarak Al-Zahiri said that this conference was organized by the joint efforts of the University and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation, and the choice of the theme - "The Importance of Religious Values in the Greater Eurasia Space" is due to the importance of human values in the Eurasian region, the official accession of the United Arab Emirates to the BRICS group and aimed at discussing the role of religion in achieving the strategic goals of the participating countries.

Dr. Al-Zahiri stressed that the religious leaders of the BRICS countries have a huge civilizational role to play in relation to their states and societies, and religion, as a cultural component of all human societies, is the most important factor to rely on in achieving security, peace and stability. He also noted that this conference is extremely important given the context in which it is being held, not only at the local spatial level, but at the global temporal level as a whole. The head of the University said that it is dialogue that should find commonalities that unite religions, and there is no doubt that human values do not change, no matter how different the languages and customs of peoples may be.

During the Conference, reports were also made by scientists, state and religious figures from Russia, Egypt, China, Bahrain, Qatar, South Africa, Brazil, Ethiopia, CIS countries and others.

In addition to the Plenary part, two scientific sections were also held: "The Quran in the forms and images of modern Islamic culture and education" and "Peoples of Greater Eurasia: modern ethnographic studies of religious everyday life", and the National Library of the Republic of Tatarstan hosted the Forum of Muslim Youth of the BRICS member countries "Creation. Responsibility. Leadership".

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