Sunday, 13 October 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > News > The Health Care Committee of the CMR and RB of the Russian Federation launched a special course of lectures for doctors

The Health Care Committee of the CMR and RB of the Russian Federation launched a special course of lectures for doctors The Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation launched a special course of lectures for medical and health care professionals - "Ethical and Cultural Peculiarities of Patients in Eastern (Arab-Muslim) Countries".

The course was organized by the Health Care Committee of the Council of Muftis of Russia and the Religious Board of Muslims of the Russian Federation. The event was opened by Muslim Muslimov, Chairman of the National Association of Health Care Managers, Head of the Center for Business Education at the Russian Medical Academy of Management, Chairman of the Health Care Committee under the Council of Muftis of Russia and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Russian Federation. Then, Mufti Rushan Abbyasov, First Deputy Chairman of the CRM, Deputy Chairman of the RBRF addressed the doctors.

He conveyed words of greetings on behalf of the spiritual leader of the Muslims of Russia, Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin, thanked the Academy for the provided platform, and the National Association of Health Care Managers for partnership support. During his speech, Mufti Rushan Abbyasov said that the topic of the courses is extremely relevant given the growing number of medical tourists coming to Russia from the Islamic world. He also informed the audience about the session "Medical Tourism", organized by the joint efforts of the Ministry of Health of Russia and the Health Committee of the SMR and RB of the Russian Federation, and held on the margins of the International Economic Forum KazanForum-2024.

Rushan Hazrat noted that the Committee has been organizing such medical sessions for four years, discussing such topics as education, digitalization, medical tourism, patient-centeredness, and cultural peculiarities of the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

Mufti Rushan Abbyasov emphasized that it would be useful for Russian doctors to know the basics of Muslim law, in the context of providing medical services, the peculiarities of communication with Muslim patients, their history, culture and religion. "One should realize that Muslims are not only Arab-Muslim countries. Islam in Russia is practiced by more than 25 million people, and Muslim patients will prefer to go to a doctor who knows and takes into account Muslim nuances," emphasized the first deputy chairman of the CMR.

In turn, Guzel Mubinova, the head-organizer of the program, chief of staff of the Health Committee, added that when traveling in Russia, tourists from the Islamic world often turn to doctors for medical care, but most Russian medical workers are not sufficiently familiar with the peculiarities of communication and service to Muslim patients. This educational course, according to her, is aimed at correcting this situation.

The event also featured speeches by Rafik Shaburov, M.D., a gastroenterologist, therapist, chief physician of the Russian Railroad Medical Center, co-chairman of the Health Care Committee of the CMR and the RB of the Russian Federation; Rafik Shaburov, resident physician at Kazan Federal University, theology master's student at the Russian Islamic University (Kazan), author of the book "Islam and Medicine. Modern fatwas" Kurbanov Muhammad, member of the Ulema Council under the DUM of the Russian Federation Sheikh Wisam Bardwil, member of the Health Care Committee under the CMR and the RB of the Russian Federation, etc.

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