Saturday, 27 July 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > News > Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin meets the Ambassador of Algeria

Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin meets the Ambassador of Algeria Today Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria to the Russian Federation Boumedienne Gennada.

The religious leader of Russian Muslims welcomed the guest and spoke to him about the activities of the Muslim clergy and development of Muslim religious institutions in Russia.

Currently, the cooperation between Russia and Algeria is defined by the Declaration of Strategic Partnership, signed on June 15th, 2023. The interaction at the level of religious institutions is supported by the Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation in the field of Islamic affairs and endowments between the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algerie and the RBMRF. The document was signed by Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin and Minister of Religious Affairs and Endowments of Algeria Youssef Belmehdi on December, 10th, 2023, during the 19th International Muslim Forum.

The memorandum allowed to enhance the Russian-Algerian cooperation in the religious sphere. For instance, the chairman of the Religious Board of Muslims of the Penza region Islyam Dashkin took part in the 19th International Award of the Holy Quran and met with Mr Youssef Belmehdi. Apart from that, the chairman of the RBM of the Ryazan region Rashid Bultacheev became the guest of honour at the opening ceremony of the Great Mosque of Algeria in February 2024.

Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gainutdin congratulated Mr Boumediene and n all the people of Algeria on National Victory Day, which is celebrated on 19 March. "We establish relations with international organizations through official channels, such as embassies or ministries. Russian Muslims aim to develop a moderate, constructive understanding of Islam, far from various destructive and radical ideologies. We value our name, so we work with those who support peace, well-being, friendship and brotherhood and reject radicalism," said the head of the RMC.

The meeting was attended by deputy chairman of the RBM of the Russian Federation Rushan Abbyasov, head of the International Department of the RBM of the Russian Federation Ildar Galeyev and others.

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