Mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin had a working meeting with Vladimir Chernikov, head of the department of national politics, interregional connections and tourism of the City of Moscow.
The meeting in RMC residency was attended by deputy chairman of the said department Konstantin Blazhenov and the Mufti's two deputies, Rushan hazrat Abbyasov and Damir hazrat Muhetdinov.
The meeting was devoted to the discussion of organizational issues pertaining to the opening of Moscow Jum'ah Mosque.
The mosque will open its doors in three weeks. The site improvement is nearing its end, and everything is ready for this highly anticipated event in the life of our Ummah, our city, our country.
The parties reached full understanding on all issues and agreed upon scheduling a meeting with Moscow mayor Sergey Sobyanin who is a co-organizer of the new Moscow Jum'ah Mosque opening organizational committee.