Saturday, 27 July 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > RMC > Halal > RMC deputy chairman visits Japan Halal Summit

RMC deputy chairman visits Japan Halal Summit On August 4, an opening ceremony of Japan Halal Summit took place in Tokyo. It was organized by Halal Development Foundation Japan.

Deputy chairman of Russia Muftis Council Rushan hazrat Abbyasov attended the opening ceremony and delivered a short speech, passing on the greeting words of Chairman of Russia Muftis Council mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin, and also moderated the second session of the summit devoted to halal tourism and medicine.

Rushan hazrat Abbyasov has stressed that this summit that is taking place in Japan, shows the growing interest towards halal industry in the whole world.

"O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy" (2:168). Halal is a topic that interests more than a third of world's population. In the last few years, it became a symbol of confidence, quality and safeness," said Rushan hazrat at the opening ceremony.

Speaking about Moscow Halal Expo, he also said that Russia Muftis Council came to the understanding of necessity of organizing an annual professional platform for showcasing recent developments in the areas of halal standardization and certification in Russia and abroad by the way of bringing together halal manufacturers from different regions of Russia and the world already five years ago.

"That is how we created the platform of Moscow Halal Expo, an exhibition of the latest achievements in halal industry that was organized for the fifth time this year and brought together more than 150 companies from over 20 countries that represented 10 sectors of halal industry, among them food industry, catering, beauty and health, textile, tourism and finance and others", added Rushan hazrat.

In the end of the speech, RMC deputy chairman invited the guests of the summit to take part in next year's Moscow Halal Expo, and thanked the organizers of Japan Halal Summit, wishing them success in their quests.

It's worthwhile to note that the summit will host a number of most interesting sessions devoted to halal tourism, Islamic finance, world halal market and the importance of certification of halal products, halal meat and poultry.

The summit is attended by Japanese and foreign manufacturers from Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Brunei, Taiwan, Singapore, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE, USA, Great Britain, Brazil, Spain, France and Germany.

RMC press service

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