Saturday, 27 July 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > RMC > Halal > Moscow Halal Expo: results of five years' work

Moscow Halal Expo: results of five years' work A round table on the topic "Market of halal religious goods and services and its prospects" took place on April 1 at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Among those who delivered a speech were deputy chairman of Russia Muftis Council, chairman of the organizational committee of Moscow Halal Expo Rushan hazrat Abbyasov, chairman of the committee on development of consumers' market of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, CEO of MIBA Aleksandr Borisov, deputy head of the board for relations with religious organizations of the Department of interregional cooperation, national politics and relations with religious organizations of Moscow Anton Ignatenko, Malaysian ambassador in Russian Federation Mr Dato Zainol Abidin bin Omar, adviser of the President of Dagestan Murad Zargishiev, Chairman of Eurasian Center of Standardization and Certification "Halal" Aydar Gazizov, representative of chain store "Apelsin" Ilham Muharlyamov, head of the export department of agro-enterprise group "Resurs" Anzor Boriev, director of business communications agency of Association of Fashion Industry Enterprises (APrIM), member of the Committee for development of consumer market of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation Maria Smorchkova, member of the expert council of the National Rating Agency Magomet Yandiev, member of the coordination board of the Russian Association of Experts on Islamic Finance Irina Horoshilova, President of Sputnik Sport and Business Travel LLC Ildar Musin, chief editor of "Halal Globus" magazine Anar Ramazanov, CEO of project Mikhail Kisin.

During the round table session that was by moderated by head of RMC Economics department Madina Kalimullina, participants discussed the market of halal religious goods and services in modern Russia, speaking of the history of halal industry of the country, makeup of halal market, its financial and media sectors. But the main topic of the session was Moscow Halal Expo, result of its five years' work and future prospects.

In his speech, Rushan hazrat Abbyasov conveyed the greeting words of mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin, and gave a detailed account on the history of ICSC "Halal" and the fourth exhibition "Moscow Halal Expo" that will take place between June 5 and 8 of this year in All-Russian Exhibition Centre. According to RMC deputy chairman, this exhibition will once again bring together halal manufacturers and customers from all over the world.

He stressed that, according to statistics, halal goods are bought and used not only by Muslims, but also by members of other religions. "Halal has become a brand name of extra quality and security that are in high demand in Russia," he added.

Rushan hazrat also told of the need to adhere to halal practices in financial relations. According to him, all Muslim business activity must be based on high moral standards.

Besides that, he noted that Russia not only has great potential in halal production and development, but also in innovation, and that is why this year's exhibition will host a program of innovative projects in halal area.

Speaking of innovations in this sphere, RMC deputy chairman and head of the organizational committee of Moscow Halal Expo mentioned a special test for detecting pork in food products that has became very popular in a very short time.

"Such innovative approaches might give certain momentum to the development of the whole industry," he added.

RMC press service

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