Saturday, 25 January 2025
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > RMC > Halal > ICSC "Halal" became a full-fledged member of World Halal Council

Deputy director of the international relations department of International Centre of Standardization and Certification "Halal" Samat Sadykov took part in the annual general meeting of World Halal Council members that is taking place in Cape Town at these days. It is worth noting that ICSC "Halal" is the only organisation representing Russia at this event.

The meeting started in the conference hall of Capetonian hotel on October 18. Both senior executives and invited guests addressed the audience. During the event, Mr Sadykov held talks with the senior executives of World Halal Council, namely with WHC administrator Dr Hüseyin Kami Büyüközer, WHC President sheikh Zafiir Najaar, WHC general secretary Zafer Gedikli and other representatives of World Halal Council. During the talks, the parties agreed to the admittance of ICSC "Halal" into the list of full-fledged WHC member organisations.

During his visit to Cape Town and participation in the meeting, Samat Sadykov also met with the Director General of Malaysian exhibition MIHAS Mr Mohd Shukri Abdullah. The parties agreed to continue their cooperation in halal exhibition activities.

The second part of the meeting, which took place in the concert hall of Capetonian hotel, was devoted to the discussion of plans and activities of World Halal Council. WHC members were briefed by the leadership and the financial department of the organisation. As the result of the discussion that followed, it was decided to modify the WHC Halal Standard brought up for discussion and alter the concept of cooperation between the participants. A proposal to organise next year's WHC session in Japan was also considered. The new issue of WHC bulletin that was presented at the meeting listed the activities of ICSC "Halal" of Russia Muftis Council.

On the closing day of the visit to Cape Town, Samat effendi visited central office of ICSA (Islamic Council of South Aftica) at the invitation of sheikh Zafiir Najaar, where he was introduced to the activities of the Council. During the visit, the parties discussed prospects for future cooperation. The South African party expressed particular interest in the import of halal poultry from Russia. In the end of the meeting, sheikh Najaar conveyed his greetings to mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin, CEO of ICSC "Halal" Aydar Gazizov and all the staff of the International Centre.

RMC press service and ICSC "Halal"

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