Friday, 13 September 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > RMC > International > International competition of Quran recitation took place in Malaysia

« Malaysia…is a wonderful Islamic country, modest by square, but vast with its soul, open and kindhearted people expect you on each step...»

On August 28th Russian participants of International Competition of Quran recitation that took place in Malaysia in state of Terengganu returned to Moscow. This competition was jubilee, 50th International competition of Quran Recitation and it took place in state Terengganu. This was the state where Islam came first in Malaysia.

The stone wymbolizing penetration of Islam to Malaysia

Two participants represented Russia: one of them – Rushan Akshov, prize-winner of Moscow International competition of Quran recitation, graduator of Hafiz Quran School of Kazan, the other – Gulnara Anderzhanova, prize-winner of All-Russian Islamic Olympiad in Moscow in 3rd (last) nomination.

Teachers and competitiors of the Competition It is the 5th year that International Relations Department of Russia Mufties Council sends participants, prize-winners all-Russian Competitions and Contests to present Russia in international competitions in Saudi Arabia, in Islamic Republic of Iran, in Libya etc. Competition in Malaysia was held only in “tilava” (reciting) nomination, it means that the participants are not necessary to know the whole text of the holy Quran by heart, but he/she should fluently recite Quran, know all the tajweed rules and have beautiful voice. But out of 80 participants in International competition of Quran Recitation in Malaysia more then half were Quran - hafizes. The other distinctive feature of the competition that in Malaysiawas that the participants were both men and women.

Taking into account that in many countries the schools of reciting Quran are not developed, there are annual lessons of Quran reciting taught by respectable reciters of  the Quran in Malaysia to participants from different countries before the Competition.

‘We recited Quran whole days during the week. The schedule was so tight that we didn’t have time to go for a walk. But lessons were very interesting and students liked it very much. One day the teachers had to sack us from the class because we didn’t want the lesson to end’ – told us Gulnara Anderzhanova, representative of Russia in female nomination.

The scene

Competition is somewhat resembling national holiday. Every evening inhabitants and guests of the city (usually it is Kuala-Lumpur) gathered in the beautiful hall for festive ceremony of  competition. On the opening day the King and Prime-Minister themselves visit the Competition. They personally welcome participants of the competition. The wives of the King and the Prime-Minister welcome female participants with handshake.

The culture program that include solemn lunches and dinners, excursions to memorable places, visits to tower- twins and other sights were waiting the participants who were politely called  “musharikun”  and “musharikat”.

After coming back from the competition the participants are for a long time in a magic state after Malaysian hospitality and care.

Rushan Akshov, male participant from Russia

Rushan Akshov, male participant from Russia . Solemn lunch with the King

Competition in Malaysia that was in Kuala Terengganu stroke me with its scale and beauty. I can call it a huge annual holiday. There were also females in the competition and competition was only in one nomination, reciting.

Of course in comparison with other international competitions Malaysian is more beautiful, life and interesting. There are more events and trips that give chance to make acquaintance with the nature, inhabitants and living standards - tells Rushan Akshov, Russian representative on competition in the year 2008.

“Daily excursions, gifts and meetings with important persons turn my head”,-recalled Gulnara.

One of the sights of state Terengganu, where the competition took place this year, is a park with 21 monuments, among them mosques and minarets of 21 different countries, one of them is Russian mosque, Kul Sharif.

The International Relations Department of Russia Mufties Council hopes, that the International competitions of Quran recitation that are held and will be held in Moscow will orient to the example of Malaysia.

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