The head of the International Department of the RMC Rushan Abbyasov
told about the benefits the participants and visitors of the Moscow
International Halal Exhibition - Mocow Halal Expo 2010 which took place June 7-9
at the Crocus Expo got from the Exhibiton.
- Rushan hazard, this week
the International Exhibition Moscow Halal Expo 2010 was successfully held and
now its results are summoned up. What was the audience of the Exhibition?
- Prior to the start of the Exhibition we did not how many people
would attend and what contingent they would be. As you can understand this is
the first exhibition of its kind, and we started to prepare for it actively
February 2010 and the information about it was spread among many publications.
Therefore, in our expectations we tried to proceed from modest ratings. On
advertising the event we didn't affect only one target audience of any one small
group of individuals, on the contrary, our audience was very broad and includes
businessmen and expert community as well as ordinary consumers. And it happened
that way. i think we were able to satisfy interests of all visitor. We tried to
combine useful business meetings with leisure for our visitors and thanks God we
did that. Since the first day of the Exhibition Moscow Halal Expo 2010 we have
been receiving positive feedback from various people - both from the foreigners
and russian producers as well as the guests of the Exhibition. We are pleased
that many regional manufacturers was able to find business partners and agree to
supply their products to Moscow market. At the same time foreign participants
also were pleased with the results of the business meetings. Particularly we are
pleased despite many difficulties manufacturers from Palestine and Indonesia
still managed to find partners for their business in Russia. Among the visitors
were food producers, representatives of the meat processing scope, cometic and
trade, individual entrepreneurs-Muslims. A considerable proportion of visitors
was investors and representatives of investment companies. For ourselves it was
useful to establish new contacts in order to help to develop business and inform
about new projects in which they could participate. Among the represented
industries were tourism, medicine, information technology, catering,
construction, finance, insurance. We also pleased that the exhibition drew the
deserved attention of the representatives of the official authorities primarily
of the ares of agriculture, consumer market and regional development. Many
visitors came to the Exhibition repeatedly taking families.
- What
exponents - goods, services - could be called as a discovery of the Exhibition?
- Such discoveries were a lot. For example, we as organizers did
not know that it was possible to buy products of the German Meat processing
plant "Egetyurk" that produced sausage Halal products in Moscow and also many
discovered products of the Troitsk cannery plant. The area of spices and
seasonings was also very interesting, it was represented by Indonesia and "MATR"
company. Undoubtedly, the important discovery in the field of finance were
project of two companies - the Group of Companies "Safinat" and OSC "Islamic
Finance House'. There were a very popular stand of GUP "Agidel", which
represented Bashkir folk crafts. Many visitors showed interest in this products.
It also should be mentioned that at the Exhibition the products of the world
leading manufacturers OnePure Halal Beauty were represented. We believe that
their products will develop in Russian market.
- What he results of
the Exhibition for the participants in addition to claiming about themselves,
representing their products and services to the general population? Have the
contracts been signed, new markets been found and etc.?
- Now we can
only give a preliminary assessment on the many positive reviews that continues
to come to us. I think that the real result will be obvious after some time when
the oral agreements will transform into signed contracts and we will see their
- What are strategic ways of the development of Halal
industry in Russia that have been identified at the Halal industry
- The main result reached during the preparation and
holding the Exhibition was that we managed to reach the mutual understanding
with the key ministries and agencies that regulate the issues related to the
fields of Halal production, import, export, trade and realization of Halal
products. The further steps are partners cooperation with them for the benefit
of solveing identified problems.
- What were the conclusions of the
experts participated in the Conference "Islamic finance: the development in
The main conclusions of the discussions during the
Conference are contained in the Resolution adopted by the participants. Since
the subjects of the discussion were quite divisive and include questions of
investment raising, banking, so the conclusions are sufficiently numerous. The
most important of them are the necessity of forming and developing
business-community, that in business led by ethical principles that in Islam and
also inclusion of the Islamic economics and finance in the courses of
Also I can say that one of the most important event of the
final shows of the Exhibition and a certain outcome of the work was a award of
"The golden palm" for the achievement in the field of the business accordion to
the norms of Islam. The participating companies were evaluated on the basis of
the contribution they made to the development of Industry, the social component
of business and the views of visitors. This award was established by the Russian
Mufties Council and OSC "Islamic Financial House" and we hope that this
initiative will be a good tradition and will serve as the spread of ethical
business for the benefit of the economy of our country. The first three prizes
were awarded to companies "Sharm el-Sheikh' (3d place), "Najm-Tour" (2 place)
and "Ecole" (1 place).
Thank you for the conversation.
The expert comments:
Zhafar Azizbaev the Director of the Centre
for Standardization and certification Halal of the Russian Mufties Council.
I consider that the major success of the Exhibition was that it got interest
not only from the consumers but also from the expert community, leaders of the
regional Muslim communities, representatives of major trade networks - "Ashan",
Azbuka vkusa". The Exhibition showed that Halal sphere is not something
handicrafts, that produced in small poorly equipped workshops but high-tech
industry. Large retailers who already work with the well-known manufacturers,
such as "Safa", "Ecole" or "Halal Ash", saw that there are other players in the
market, whose products are of excellent quality as well. The animation around
each of the stands impressed many.