Thursday, 16 January 2025
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > RMC > Beauty, Muslim way

An event devoted to Russia Muslimas Union and the World Halal Day that brought together members of Muslim women's organizations, representatives of Moscow City government and Russia's traditional religions and Muslim activists took place on July 14 within the framework of Ramadan Tent.

The evening began with the recitation of the Holy Qur'an by madrasah teacher Gulnara Anderzhanova.

Dinara Sadretdinova, TV hostess and member of Russia Muslimas Union, told about the organization: "In 2012, with the support of Russia Muftis Council and Ravil hazrat Gaynutdin, we founded Russia Muslimas Union, a unique organization with offices in more than 50 regions of our country. According to the Sunna of Prophet Muhammad, women, alongside with men, are active members of the Muslim community and Russian society who should contribute to the development of spirituality and education."

Aydar Gazizov, CEO of ICSC "Halal" of Russia Muftis Council wished all present at the event good health and well-being on behalf of RMC Chairman mufti sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin and his deputy Rushan hazrat Abbyasov.

Head of the department for interregional cooperation, national politics and relations with religious organizations of Moscow City government Elena Nikitina said: "For several years in a row, Ramadan Tent has been bringing together Muslims and non-Muslims of good will united by such values as mercy and love for one's neighbours—and that is why such events are important and why Moscow City Government supports them. All Muslims these days live in an anticipation of Eid al-Fitr, festival of breaking the fast. We also anticipate this great event and we're actively preparing for it. This festival is our responsibility too, and by combined efforts we shall organize it in such a way that nobody is left unsatisfied."

Representative of Russian Jewish women's organization Svetlana Yakimenko congratulated Muslim women with the month of Ramadan and extended them good wishes from the Jewish women.

Madina Kalimullina, member of the Moscow Muslimas Union, told of the activities and plans of the organization in the capital, and specifically mentioned new projects such as trust line, a joint project with youth library, festival of family dynasties and young wife project. Being a director of Moscow Halal Expo, she also handed out the prize "Company of the Year" in nomination "Media and Publishing" to the Muslim women's magazine "Musulmanka".

Gülnar hanum Dzhemal, chief editor of "Musulmanka", said that the magazine is popular not only among women, but among men as well, because it covers hot family issues and popularizes sound Islamic values.

Director of IRADA company Amina Shabanova and business development director of the same company congratulated the guests of the event with the coming of Ramadan and told of their support of Halal Mark proposed by the organizational committee of Moscow Halal Expo exhibition, seeing its importance for the country's Muslims. IRADA also announced a sales promotion for the duration of Ramadan called "IRADA's Eid Present" to let every buyer of IRADA dress choose another dress for their mother, sister or friend for free.

Diplomas and certificates of gratitude were also awarded to the volunteers and members of the organizational committee of Moscow Halal Expo.

The cultural program of Ramadan Tent that evening also included trivia game on the knowledge of halal principles, a promotional video about Russia Muslimas Union, Musulmanka magazine, Moscow Halal Expo exhibition and a movie "Beauty, Muslim way".

Staff reporter

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