Sunday, 19 May 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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Articles > RMC > Training Courses for Lecturers of Islamic Educational Institutions Will Open in Moscow Islamic University

Training Courses for Lecturers of Islamic Educational Institutions Will Open in Moscow Islamic University A set of qualification upgrading courses for imams and lecturers of Islamic educational institutions will open in Moscow Islamic University on August 19, 2013.

According to the site “Muslims of Russia”, the courses will consist of two modules: “Theology” for lecturers of Islamic universities and “Youth Outreach Programs” for board members of specialized secondary schools.

The courses will include lectures and workshops on kalam, religious dialogue, taghrib (rapprochement) of madhabs, Qur’anic maqams, basics of Islamic pedagogics, science of tafsir, ethics of social communication, Qur’anic sciences, fundamentals of Islamic source studies, theological legacy of Turkic Muslims of Russia.

A round table on the topic of principles of tolerance in Islam will also take place within the framework of these courses on August 27.

After finishing courses, attendees will be given standard-issue certificates. Those interested in attending the courses can call 8 (495) 351 30 67, 8 (495) 351 91 97, 8 (495) 351 40 75, 8 905 508 69 02 or write to

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