Congratulations on taking post
To Mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin
Dear Sergey Semenovich!
On behalf of Russian Muslims and the Russian Mufties Council and myself, I heartily congratulate you on assuming the office of Mayor.
I am sure that your talent of manager and your ability to find the key to the complex issues will benefit Moscow, Russia and the prosperity of its peoples.
High confidence in you by the President of the Russian Federation and elected by Muscovites - the city parliament - says a lot. This is both recognition of your dedicated service to Russia, the statement you as a brilliant politician of the Russian Federation and one of the most authoritative leaders of modern Russia.
We know you as a competent manager, skillfully using the achievements of modern management, a man who could pick up a coordinated team of specialists.
I am sure that you are able to meet new, no less complex tasks that are associated with practical implementation of ongoing reforms in the country and you, dear Sergey Semenovich, continue to use your life and professional experience and knowledge that will be aimed at further strengthening peace and stability in Russian society.
I sincerely wish you and all the inhabitants of Moscow peace, prosperity and new successes in building a happy, prosperous life for each resident of a multinational, multi-religious city.
We ask the Almighty Creator to give you the necessary vitality and new bright ideas for the success of your business at the high post.
I sincerely wish you good health, great happiness, political longevity serving our motherland!
We express our sincere respect and hope for fruitful cooperation.
With kind prayers
Mufti Sheikh Ravil Gaynutdin
Chairman of the Russian Mufti Council