Sunday, 05 May 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Rus En Ar
Articles > Islam and Muslims > A Russian take part in a worldwide competition

"Read the Qur'an, for verily, the Day of Resurrection It will be, as the patron of those who read it." (Muslim)

In the 20th day of the holy month of Ramadan, the All Muslims IX International competition of reciters of the Quran will be held in Algiers. This year's competition will be attended by representatives from 45 countries worldwide.

According to the press service of the Algeria's Ministry of Religious Affairs and Awqaf, the opening ceremony of the contest will be held in the presence of Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

The contest judges will select winners in three categories: reading the Quran, reading of Hafizes and interpretation of different Quranic fragments.

Russia in the global contest of the Quran recitation in this year will be represented by 21-year-old reciter from Dagestan Yusuf Adilov. He began studying the Quran at the age of 9 years. In 2010 he took part in an international competition of reciters.

This year, the international competition of reciters of the Holy Quran in Algeria will be attended by members who come from Europe, Latin America and Africa.

Recall that in September 2011 in the Concert Hall "Cosmos" in Moscow the XII Moscow International Competition for reciters of the Quran was held. The competition was held in the nomination hifz. Participants were challenged to read the text of the Holy Quran by heart. The competition was attended by representatives of Algeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iran, Kuwait, Indonesia, Malaysia, Afghanistan, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Britain, France, Greece, Croatia and the countries of Central Asia.

XІІI Moscow International Competition of the Quran recitation in the Russian capital will be held on 14 October this year.

For the first time the competition of reciters of the Quran in Moscow was organized in 2000. The debut competitions were held in the building of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque. Already in 2003 the contest reached the regional level, and since 2005 the contest became all-Russian. In 2007 the contest acquired the status of the International Competition, the judges was composed of readers of the Quran and Hafizes from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Russia.

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