Saturday, 18 May 2024
"In the name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Gracious!" بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
Rus En Ar
Articles > RMC > How to close that is not opened

"The Moscow authorities closed discussion on the construction of the mosques in Tekstil'shiki area"

*** On the Volga boulevard a park or kindergarten will be

 "The Moscow authorities has been no longer considering to place a mosque on the Volga Boulevard in Tekstikl'shiki, as the head of Moscow Architecture Committee Alexander Kuzmin informed Interfax on Tuesday." "There wasn't not any document (on the construction of mosques - "IF"). We need to close this topic ", - A. Kuzmin emphasized.

He noted that there was no city construction plan of the land, the act of permission and other documentation on the object.

"It was just an option. After discussions with the prefecture, we abandoned it," - Alexander Kuzmin  said.

The Prefect of the South-East administration district Vladimir Zotov said to "Interfax" on Tuesday that the place where it was supposed to build the mosque would be a park, or socially important facilities such as kindergarten. "This place is unique for placing the social center, "- he said. According to V. Zotov, in meetings with residents they'd repeatedly claimed that the mosque in Tekstil'shiki wouldn't appear.

"Even on Sept. 27 the decision about construction of the mosque. It will not be there!" - Assured the prefect. "

November 23. Interfax

The Russian Mufties Council did not get any abandoned documents and proposals with areas on new addresses.

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